Principals and Practice of Water Dowsing
Visit to Langport led by Tony Hathway - Sunday, 4th June 2023
£10 per person - booking required
A sociable day out in Langport in the company of Tony Hathway, who will share his expertise on the basic principles of dowsing for water. Tony was a founder member of the Earth Energies Group at the British Society of Dowsers and has led many dowsing workshops and courses. He has successfully dowsed for boreholes, wells, pipes and leaks during the last 20-plus years.
We will meet at All Saints Hall* in Langport at 11am, where Tony will talk us through some of the basic techniques and challenges of dowsing for water. We will then explore the town, using some of the many water courses and services in the vicinity to experiment with and practise our skills, and we hope that this will be an opportunity to share experiences and learn from each other. We will have spare dowsing rods to hand, in case anyone forgets theirs!
All Saints Hall will be available as our base throughout the day, with tea and coffee facilities on hand, and if you wish to bring a packed lunch, you can enjoy it here in comfort if the weather is inclement. However, in the sociable spirit of the day, we intend to book a table for lunch at one of the restaurants for those who wish to join us. Please confirm your preference when booking so we have an idea of numbers.
The day will close at about 3pm.
We hope that members of all levels of expertise will join us for this outing, but places are limited, so please email the Secretary, or get in touch using the Contact facility below to book your place.
*All Saints Hall, North Street, Langport TA10 9RQ Main car park (free) close by.