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Gordon Field -
The Re-awakening Earth

Talk at Ruishton Village Hall 
7.30pm, Thursday 28th November, 2024 - £5 Entry at the door

At this coming Winter Solstice we will experience the ninth and final increase in energies from deep within the Cosmos.  It is one in the many increases that have occurred in our past which have transformed the Earth by bringing about great changes in creativity and innovation and enabling us to move forward.


It helped to open up the consciousness of many beings, but over time the benefits it provided were wasted, corrupted or just forgotten.

With the pressures we now face we have been given this unique opportunity to heal the Earth and, in the process, ourselves.
Many of the trees around us are becoming the Trees of Life and Knowledge in order to give us the guidance we need to enter this dawn of a new era.

The talk will reveal the changes that are taking place and how they will guide us.















Gordon writes It has taken a while to get to this stage but now there is book on my journey with the trees and the message they have for all of us.  All through this journey the trees have revealed so much information, which would need many volumes, but under their direction I have created this much smaller book to make us all aware of the changes taking place in the energies of the Earth, and how we need to work with them.

Copies of the book will be available at the talk at a cost of £10 each.

For anyone unable to attend the talk, copies of Gordon's book can be ordered direct from him with an additional charge for postage of £2 per copy.  Please email

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