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Somerset Dowsers - A Diary of Recent Events

January 2025 - Jacqueline Kareh

An interactive evening working with the Power of Eight Intention tool.

Jacqueline is a health detective and holistic health practitioner who works skilfully with a range of complementary therapies, healing arts and energy medicine – with intuition as well as grounded knowledge. She trained with Lynne McTaggart in 2019 and has slightly tweaked the method to include more Earth and Heart Connection. Jacqueline’s life has been guided by her own spiritual and personal development. The Power of Eight Intention method is just one of the many tools she uses to support herself and others in moving through times of change and challenge, coming back to a state of balance, love, joy and acceptance.

The Power of Eight Intention is a great tool for Conscious Creation. It is a short group process in which we all focus at the same time on a specific outcome that benefits ourselves and our planet.  During this fascinating evening, Jacqueline touched upon the science behind conscious creation, and led us in group experiences, to set intentions and bring healing to members of the group, and to the Earth itself.  In the process, those taking part found the experience both calming and nourishing, and we all came away uplifted!

Jacqueline runs a free, monthly, Power of Eight Intention group online.


November 2024 - Gordon Field


At the Winter Solstice 2024 we will experience the ninth and final increase in energies from deep within the Cosmos.  It is one in the many increases that have occurred in our past which have transformed the Earth by bringing about great changes in creativity and innovation and enabling us to move forward. ​

It helped to open up the consciousness of many beings, but over time the benefits it provided were wasted, corrupted or just forgotten.

Fascinating as ever, Gordon held his audience spellbound with his experiences working with the energies of trees.


Medecine Symbolique​

Following popular demand, we were delighted to welcome back Claire and Pascal Roussey-Simon, two highly experienced therapists and instructors in Medecine Symbolique.  


The Medecine Symbolique Practice is based on very simple principles:


- Life has a meaning and its goal is to awaken consciousness.

- To do this, life speaks to us through symbols.

- Hence, the physical and psycho-emotional symptoms are messages of the soul.

- If one is the unconscious creator of their own disease, then one is also the creator of their own healing.


There are close links between a dwelling (or workplace) and its occupants. The phenomena that manifests itself in the habitat reveals the existence of a subtle interaction between the owner/tenant and their territory. What we perceive as an external phenomenon (habitat) also has an inner hidden source (inhabitant).  Acting on one can heal the other.


In a fascinating talk, Claire and Pascal demonstrated some of these phenomena using the transfer technique.



September 2024 - The Bards of Avalon


Dowsing and working with Earth energies have been a key part of Bea and David’s journey with sound over the past two decades. They have found that working with sound and intention can create extraordinary outcomes and dowsing can be used to measure those changes.


In this presentation Bea and David shared experiences of dowsing and collaborating with dowsers in their sound work, weaving in some live music to honour the Spirit of the Land and all present.


Bea and David are sound alchemists, working full-time with sound therapy since 2010 as Bards of Avalon. Their album, “The Archangel Transmissions” was critically acclaimed by both Kindred Spirit and Paradigm Shift magazines. They are also contributing authors to four of the Bounce Back Journey books which became Amazon best sellers.



July/August 2024 - Peter Knight and Sue Wallace


Peter and Sue returned to Ruishton to give another inspiring PowerPoint presentation about their new book, Landscapes of Memory - Questing in the Footsteps of our Ancesors.  A blend of the latest research into megaliths, our prehistoric ancestors, indigenous shamanism, sacred landscapes and connecting with the land on a deeper level, along with their own experiences over nearly 30 years of travelling around the world researching ancient wisdom and sacred places. Their journey will took us all over the UK, as well as to Ireland, Greece, Malta, Menorca, Portugal and Brittany as we heard of the magical experiences they had and the wisdom they were gifted at such sacred places. The talk ended with earth-healing chants and live drumming.​


This talk was followed a couple of weeks later by an outing with Pete and Sue, who showed us around some of the magical sacred sites and natural tors of Eastern Dartmoor.​  We visited Kestor, the Egg Stone, the Shovel Down stone rows and its energetic tall Longstone, and we then moved on to visit the impressive Spinster's Rock dolmen and dowsed the energies of the St Michael Line.​  A wonderful day of mindful walking, dowsing, shamanic drumming and chanting, Earth-healing, and stunning landscapes.


Further reading: Dartmoor Mindscapes, by Peter Knight

​To learn more about Peter and Sue, visit



May 2024 - Noel from Devon Dowsers - The Taunton Project


Noel shared a fascinating story, describing how three Tree Guardians found themselves drawn together to respond to a clear yet enigmatic message to "Bring Back Mary".

This turned out to involve the powerful Earth Energy line we all know and love and seemed to follow on from an earlier challenge and Project, which past Chairs of Somerset Dowsers (Mandy Bennett and the late Kate Fortlage) had explored and documented titled: 'What’s wrong with Taunton'.

What seemed like a task involving Earth Energies then expanded to include a time in history that has darkened Taunton for 340 years.   With many local folk still speaking in somewhat hushed tones about the ‘Hanging Judge’, a small window in time revealed an opportunity to address this darkness.

Once the quiet part was resolved, it was time to open up an invitation to all enlightened souls to join in the task of calling the Light back to Taunton and anchor it in place.  This collective effort continues and now, with a greater understanding of this fascinating story, you are invited to add your Love, Light and Intention to the heart of Taunton.


May 2024 - Step into the Joy of Dowsing - Full day workshop with Mandy Bennett


A second chance to spend the day with a knowledgeable and experienced tutor.  Mandy's workshop in February proved very popular, and  we were unable to accommodate all those who wanted to attend this practical introduction to dowsing.


Subjects covered :

What is dowsing?

Why dowse?

Protection and Permissions – be sensible and respectful

What can you dowse? (Clue – how big is your imagination?)

Getting a dowsing reaction (and what to do with it once you have it!)

Questions, Questions, Questions

Dowsing tools – the weird and the wonderful

Dowsing methods – it’s not just Yes or No

Dowsing applications – more than a bearded man with a forked twig looking for water

                                        (no offence to bearded men with forked twigs)

Where to go from here on your dowsing journey.


Mandy Bennett BSc Hons

Mandy is a professional Health and Land & Property Dowser with over two decades of professional dowsing experience, having first discovered the joy of dowsing over 40 years ago.


She trained with Health Dowser Jack Temple, over 20 years ago, and has developed her dowsing since then.  She works with clients around the world, utilizing remote dowsing for personal health and identifying and resolving Geopathic stress and other property issues.


Mandy ran Somerset Dowsers for 5 years and has coached hundreds of people in dowsing at multiple shows, talks and courses on behalf of the Group and beyond, as well as leading numerous dowsing outings to various sites to investigate Earth Energies, Healing places, Holy wells and Archaeology.  She has presented for many other dowsing groups including Devon, Cardiff and Slimbridge, and run workshops for the British Society of Dowsers, and was published in their journal – Dowsing Today.  She also instigated, co- planned, organised and managed, the first South West Dowsing Festival (DFEST) – being one of the speakers, outing leaders and expert panellists.


In addition to her love of dowsing she is an Energy Therapist, Psychic, and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner.


April 2024 - Dowsing the Arthurian Legend - A full day tour with Don Bryan

Following Don Bryan's Dowsing the Arthurian Legend Zoom Talk (Thursday 4 April '24), we are delighted to have Don lead us on a day of dowsing  and exploring Cadbury Castle and Glastonbury Abbey.

Don is a highly experienced archaeologist, dowser, Blue Badge Guide and Director of Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers.  He has been intrigued by the legends of King Arthur since childhood and is a lifetime member of the Pendragon Society.

Cadbury Castle

We will meet at the small car park on Castle Lane from 10:00 am (directions below).  At 10:30 am Don will lead us up and around the Iron Age hill fort explaining the archaeology he has found, including The Great Hall of King Arthur, two ancient chapel sites, Iron Age track ways, a number of round houses and two Energy Lines and lots more.

Dowse at your leisure and find out if this is the site of King Arthur's Camelot.


Lunch - remember to bring along your own packed lunch.  Weather dependant, we can either stay and enjoy the hilltop views or drive to Glastonbury (plenty of cafes, facilities etc) where Don will share some pleasant tucked away spots where we may enjoy our picnic.


Glastonbury Abbey

We will meet outside the temporary Glastonbury Abbey entrance on Magdalene Street at 1:45 pm for Group entry

into the Abbey grounds.  From 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Don will lead a tour of the Abbey Ruins where he will point

out and discuss various points of interest including St Joseph's Well, and the connections between the

Abbey and Arthur & Guinevere.

Don will show us where we may dowse and share the locations of the intertwining Mary and Michael currents

and much, much more.


March 2024 - Managing a Plant Spirit Team - Talk by Emma Fitchett

Emma Fitchett (Farrell) will be offering a follow-on session to her previous presentation on the conscious intelligence of plants. In her first talk we learned about how to connect with and communicate with plants effectively through the form of plant diets. For part two she will be sharing more specific details of how to work in a conscious co-creative way with plant spirits, how to communicate with them through the pendulum and how to manage a spirit team safely and effectively. She will also be speaking about the nature of specific plant spirits including Vervain, Mugwort, Wormwood, Hawthorn and the sacred Apple Tree. Woven throughout Emma’s interactive talk will be stories, personal experiences and the opportunity to journey with one of her plant spirit allies.

Plant spirit work blends with many healing modalities and spiritual paths, this is an opportunity to learn how to bring the metaphysical plants into your life in a more fulfilling and consciousness expanding way.

Do bring your pendulum if you have one!


January 2024 - Discover the Joy of Dowsing - Talk by Mandy Bennett

Join Mandy Bennett for an introduction to the wonderful world of dowsing: its many applications and various tools.   Why dowse?  What are the benefits? (apart from the obvious one of finding whatever it is that you are looking for!)

When someone gets their first dowsing reaction it is a joy to see (and to experience), and that is just where the fun starts.

Dowsing is a joy which can take you on fascinating journeys of discovery, and not just of that which you seek.  Whether you are looking to find Water, Physical objects, Earth Energies, information regarding Health, physical or ethereal substances or beings – dowsing can take you there, and beyond. 

Dowsing is a voyage of discovery, with interesting learnings and revelations along the way.  It helps you develop your intuition and focus, and connection with the world around you. Whether you’re a novice or an expert dowser come and enjoy!


Ruishton Village Hall

Cheats Road




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