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Somerset Dowsers
Library Books


We are fortunate to have a collection of books on dowsing and related topics which are available for members to borrow.   If you are planning to attend one of our workshops, talks, or outings and there is a particular book you would like to borrow, please email:



Book Donations

CF = Elizabeth Philips & Catherine (Kate) Fortlage

MF = Matthew French


Adams, Case - Electromagnetic Health

Anderson, William - Green Man - The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth

Andrews, Ted - How to Meet & Work with Spirit Guides (MF)

Applegate, George - The Complete Guide to Dowsing (CF


Bachler, Kathe - Earth Radiation

Bailey, Arthur - Dowsing for Health (CF)

Bailey, Arthur - Dowsing for Health

Beasse, Pierre - A New & Rational Treatise of Dowsing (MF)

Bell, A H - Practical Dowsing A Symposium

Best, J. E. - Link and Communiqué (MF)

Bevington, Michael - Electromagnetic Sensitivity & Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Bird, Christopher - Divining

Bollinger, Ty - The Truth about Vaccines (MF)

Bord, Janet & Colin - The Secret Country more mysterious Britain

Braden, Gregg - The Divine Matrix - bridging time, space, miracles and belief (MF)

British Society of Dowsers - Earth Energies an Encyclopaedia of Terms

Brown, Elizabeth - Dowsing the ultimate guide for the 21st centaury

Buchman, Dian Dincin - Ancient Healing Secrets practical cures that work today


Campbell, Eileen & Brennan JH - Dictionary of Mind Body and Spirit

Clement, Mark - The Waves that Heal new science of Radiobiology G Lakhovsky (MF)


Copen, Bruce - Discovering Buried Treasure

Copen, Bruce - The Practical Pendulum


Dale, Cyndi - Energetic Boundaries how to stay protected, connected in work love life

Day, Philip - Cancer why we're dying to know the truth (MF)

Day, Philip - Health Wars (MF)

Del Sol, Josh - 5G Crisis awareness and accountability (MF)

Devereux, Paul - The New Ley Hunter's Guide (MF)

Diamond, John - Life Energy using meridians to unlock hidden power of your emotions


Eason, Cassandra - Pendulum Dowsing

Elliot, J Scott - Dowsing one man's way (CF)


Fidler, J Havelock - Ley Lines their nature and properties

Fortlage, Kate - Dowsing with Wands (CF)

France, de Henry - The Elements of Dowsing (MF)

Francis, Evelyn - Avebury

French, Karen L. - The Hidden Geometry of Life


Gawn, William A - The Behaviour of Lines of Earth Radiations &  effect on neuro system

Gibson-Forty, John - The Interconnectedness of All Things - perpetual choirs

Gibson-Forty, John - Forgotten Pathways Britain's secret highways into forgotten worlds

Gienger, Michael - Crystal Power, Crystal Healing (MF)

Golding, Peter - Dowsing for Water the complete practical guide

Golding, Peter - Experience of an Old Dowser

Graves, Tom - Dowsing

Graves, Tom - The Diviner's Handbook (CF)

Graves, Tom - Dowsing and Archaeology

Graves, Tom - Pendulum Dowsing

Graves, Tom - Needles of Stone

Graves, Tom - Needles of Stone (CF)


Gurudas - Gem Elixirs and vibrational healing vol II


Hale, Gill - The Practical Enc. of Feng Shui

Hall, Alan - Water, Electricity and Health

Hall, Judy - The Encyclopaedia of Crystals

Hall, Nicola M - Reflexology a way to better health

Hay, Louise L - The Power is Within You (MF)

Heath, Robin - Power Points secret rulers & hidden forces in the landscapes (MF)

Howard, John - The Simple Secrets of the Power to Heal (MF)

Humble, Jim - MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (MF)

Hunter, Erich - Advanced Pendulum Healing

Hunter, Erich - Pendulum Healing


Institute for Natural Healing - Forbidden Miracles (MF)


Jansen, Eva Rudy - Singing Bowls practical handbook of instruction & use

Jenkins, Palden - Power Points in Time and how time passes


King, Francis X - The Encyclopaedia of Mind Magic & Mysteries

Knight, Peter & Wallace, Sue - Albion Dreamtime

Knight, Peter - Dartmoor Mindscapes Re-Visioning a Sacred Landscape

Knight, Peter - The Cerne Giant Landscape, Gods and the Stargate


Lakhovsky, Georges - The Secret of Life (MF) * see Clement, Mark

Linn, Denise - Feng Shui for the Soul

Living, John - Intuition Technology (MF)

Lonegren, Sig - Spiritual Dowsing

Lonegren, Sig - Labyrinths Ancient Myths & Modern Uses

Lonegren, Sig - Labyrinths Ancient Myths & Modern Uses


MacManaway, Patrick - Energy Dowsing for Health

Main, Laurence - King Arthur's Camlan a Quest for the Truth

Master Lam Kam Chuen - The Way of Energy

Master Lam Kam Chuen - The Feng Shui Handbook create healthier living/work environ

Michell, John - The Old Stones of Land's End

Michell, John - The Face & the Message what do they mean and where are they from

Micozzi, Marc S - The Insider's Book of Healing cures for Alzh, Heart, Diab, Arth (MF)

Milham, Samuel - Dirty Electricity electrification and the diseases of civilisation

Miller, Hamish - The Definitive Wee Book on Dowsing (MF)  *see Twinn, Nigel

Miller, Hamish & Ba Russell - Dowsing the Dragon's Dance

Miller, Hamish - It's Not Too Late

Mount, James Lambert - The Food and Health of Western Man


Naylor, Peter - Discovering Dowsing and Divining (MF)

Naylor, Peter - Discovering Dowsing and Divining (CF)


O'Brien, Joanne & Kwok Man Ho - The Elements of Feng Shui

Ohashi, Wataru - Zen Shiatsu How to Harmonise yin and yang for better health

Oldfield, Harry and Coghill, Roger - The Dark Side of the Brain kirlian photo electrocrystal ther

Olson, Dale W. - The Pendulum Instruction Chart Book

Ozaniec, Naomi - Dowsing A Beginner's Guide


Pearson, Ron - Intelligence Behind the Universe III unification of physics/spirit (MF)

Pennick, Nigel - Leylines mysteries of the ancient world

Pescatore, Fred - The Truth 310 hidden cures they hoped you'd never discover (MF)

Philips, Alasdair & Jean - The Powerwatch Handbook make you & your family safer

Pogacnik, Marko - Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings working with intelligence in nature

Pohl, Gustav Freiherr von - Earth Currents causative factor of cancer/diseases (MF)

Powell, Ivor - How to be More Psychic (MF)

Price, Shirley - Practical Aromatherapy


Rama-Dr Fredrick Lenz - Surfing the Himalayas conversations with Master Fwap

Roman, Sanaya & Packer,Duane - Opening to Channel connect with your guide (MF)

Ross, T Edwards & Wright, Richard D - The Divining Mind (CF)

Ross, T Edwards & Wright, Richard D - The Divining Mind


Samways, Diana - I'm a Patient get me out of here - Self-Help for common illnesses

Schmidt, Brigitta - Handbook New Dowsing Quantum Healing with Pendulums (MF)

Seddon, Richard - Rudolf Steiner Essential Readings

Shesso, Renna - Math for Mystics

Shine, Betty - Mind Magic the key to the universe

Simpson, Mary - Success Against Allergy a personal view (MF)

Slimbridge Dowsing Group - This Rabbit is Constipated!

Slimbridge Dowsing Group - It's Around Here Somewhere!

Smith, Cyril W & Best, Simon - Electromagnetic Man health & hazard in elec enviro

Stael von Holstein, Verena - Nature Spirits and what they say (MF)

Strong, Christopher - Autobiography of a Sceptical Dowser (MF)

Strong, Christopher - Autobiography of a Sceptical Dowser

Sykes, Homer - Mysterious Britain


Talbot, Michael - The Holographic Universe (MF0

Talmage, Anthony - Dowse your way to Psychic Power (MF)

Talmage, Anthony - Dowse your way to Psychic Power

Tansley, David V - Dimensions of Radionics

Thich Nhat Hanh - How to Connect (MF)

Timpson John - Timpson's Leylines a layman tacking the leys

Too, Lillian - Feng Shui Health

Twinn, Nigel - Hamish Miller A Life Divined

Twinn, Nigel - Dowsing The Virtual Bridge

Twinn, Nigel - Dowsing The Virtual Bridge


Wallis, Shirley - Dowsing

Wallis, Shirley - Dowsing (CF)

Weaver, Herbert - Dowsing the Primary Sense (CF)

Webster, Richard - Dowsing for Beginners

Westlake, Aubrey T - The Pattern of Health

Whitlock, Ralph - Water Divining and Other Dowsing A Practical Guide (CF)

Whitlock, Ralph - Water Divining and other Dowsing (CF)

Wood, Ernest - Yoga

Wren, Barbara - Cellular Awakening how your body holds and creates light (MF)

Wyse, Austin & Bailey, Dawn - Without the WooWoo changing how you feel (MF)


Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming - The Root of Chinese Qigong  for health longevity enlightenment


Zange, Sue - The Energies of your Life (MF)


Ruishton Village Hall

Cheats Road




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